Saturday, April 26, 2014

Meals Under $10 for Two : Curry Vegetables with Rice (Vegan)

Curry Vegetables with Rice
Total cost : $4.50 approx.
Total Servings: 2 large ones 

1 cup jasmine rice $1
1 16oz. package of Italian Blend Vegetables (You can choose any mix you want, this one has the cauliflower which is why I chose it, the cauliflower is delicious in a curry sauce!) $1.99
1/2 green pepper $.50

Cook rice with two cups water, follow directions on packaging for best results. 

In a pot with 1 tbsp. olive oil or butter (depends on if you want your dish to be vegan or just vegetarian) saute the green pepper chopped into one inch pieces for about a minute on medium heat. 

1 tsp. Turmeric 
1 tbsp. Curry powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder 
1/4 tsp. paprika
salt and pepper to taste
a dash of sugar

Let simmer until veggies have thawed. About 20 minutes on medium to low heat. Add about 1/2 cup water to make a nice sauce to pour on top when you serve it. 

And done! Take about 25 minutes :) Healthy, cheap and quick! Three of my favorite things!!!

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