Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A little bit about me...

Ok, so not sure if you read the short about on the top of the blog... but anything missing in there will hopefully be covered here...

Let me back track... A little about myself and why I chose to name this blog, brooklyn broke girl.

Well, I moved to New York City in 2009 and well I was pretty broke... moved here to go to Grad. School and become broker because now I would be broke and in debt! Hurray! Anyways, I lived in Manhattan in a box... with a loft bed, everytime I sat on my desk I hit my head with the loft bed. I had a mini fridge for a fridge and a stove that was also tiny and had an oven that never worked. My bathroom was pretty cool and it was pink... which was not my favorite at first but I learned to love it after a while.

Anyways, but before all this, let me go back just a little bit more... I grew up in the mountains of Guatemala, 20 minutes from the city center, that is if there is no traffic :/ This relates because after living in Manhattan for a bit, I moved to Bushwick. A friend of mine lived in Bushwick and I seemed to be spending more and more time there. So I decided to move there. In Bushwick I can buy Maseca at any of the supermarkets in the neighborhood. If you don't know what Maseca is then you should, it is what we use to make Masa (tortilla dough), well if your in a small town in Guatemala they actually make fresh Masa, but most everywhere else you will get Maseca which is pretty awesome because all you have too do is add water, salt, mix it up and shape it into a tortilla, grill it and there you go! Yummy fresh tortillas, no corn picking, drying or grinding required. Well, since moving to Bushwick I have never really looked back. Which is better? The never ending debate now that Brooklyn has become the in thing... Brooklyn versus Manhattan? Hmmm... It really just depends on the person. What I love about Bushwick is it is more laid back and the pace feels a little bit slower and I need this.

Fiuf! Well that's a lot and not even all of it... but going back to why I am writing this blog.

I want a place where I can share cheap recipes with people, easy and cheap recipes, good deals, fun events (that are affordable), fun things to do in the 5 boroughs, great happy hours, cool bars and places to hang out, etc. And I want a place where I can archive some of the art work that I do and art work that I love being made by other people. I have a desire and goal to illustrate as many things as possible, therefore you will probably find those here, and who knows it may just be the brownstone you live in or the store you work in ;)

Well, I will end it here.


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