Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Garbanzo Salad

Found this on my old blog and figured I would repost to this blog. Its a delicious, healthy and refreshing salad!

Garbanzo Salad


One of my favorite salads, its filling, healthy, easy to make and delicious!
Here's the recipe I use and some pictures, pictures make recipes easier and more fun to follow :)



What you will need - 
1 bag of garbanzo beans cooked and cooled
1 cucumber
1 tomato
1 cup chopped cilantro or more depending on how much you want
2 limes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup vinegar (clear vinegar)
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 tsp. dry garlic
salt and pepper to taste.



1 jalapeño

Chopped the cucumber, tomato and cilantro. In a large bowl mix together the garbanzo beans, cucumber, tomato, and cilantro. Then squeeze the juice of both limes into bowl, add olive oil, vinegar, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper and mix it all up. Ready! If you let it sit for an hour in the fridge it will be even better!

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