Wednesday, January 8, 2014


New post idea! I like shopping, kind of... but I do like dressing up and such. I will post on new places I find that are cheap, fashionable and in NYC! Because everyone says New York City is so expensive, however, since I have lived here I have found the best deals ever! You do need to do a little work, you may even have too do some digging, but isn't it wonderful when you find that one article of clothing that is just perfect and you can actually afford it!

One of my new favorite stores in Bushwick -

45 Graham Avenue (on the corner of Varet Street and Graham Avenue)
Brooklyn, New York
(718) 599-3030

I have bought so many great things here and never spend more than $9.99 
My newest favorite thing I bought are these awesome tights! Only $5.99


And these tights I bought there a few days ago and were $4.99 and they are so comfy and you can match them with a ton of different things! 

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